
November 01, 2017


Gaylord Motor Car Co. (1911-1913)

Gaylord, Michigan

This is a Gaylord radiator emblem (1911-1913)    dkc
Size: 63mm diameter   MM: Unknown

The Gaylord Motor Car Company was incorporated in 1910 and the first Gaylord car offered in 1911 was a 35 hp four-cylinder touring, which could easily be converted to a utility car or to a station wagon. This was a successful car and sold well initially and for 1912 three new models were added to the line.

However, it appears that the Gaylord Motor Car Company had overstretched itself, as the company was out of business in 1913.


Little is known about the Gaylord but a restored example is on display at the Chamber of Commerce building in Gaylord, Michigan, see below:

Gaylord 30 with rad emblem & script (c1912)

This restored Gaylord carries a round radiator emblem and also displays "Gaylord 30" on a brass script attached to the radiator core. The car has a 1911 license plate but the 30 hp Gaylord did not appear until 1912. 

The white enamel Gaylord radiator emblem is shown above at the top of this post and is extremely rare.

The "Gaylord 30" brass radiator script displayed on the restored Gaylord car shown above and again below may be a reproduction script but I cannot confirm this. Original Gaylord radiator scripts are very rare.

Gaylord 30 radiator script (c1912)  themarmaladegypsy

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