
March 15, 2019


Columbus Motor Vehicle Co. (1902-1904)

Columbus, Ohio

This is a Santos-Dumont manufacturer's nameplate plate (1902-1904)     mjs
Size: 90mm wide 38mm high

The Santos-Dumont car was named after Alberto Santos-Dumont, the famous Brazilian inventor and aviation pioneer.

The first Santos-Dumont arrived in late 1902 and was a 12 hp two-cylinder four-passenger chain-driven tonneau. A single-cylinder 9 hp runabout was added in 1903 but by March 1903 the company was in financial trouble and was reorganized. In 1904, the Santos-Dumont became a 20 hp four-cylinder five-passenger model. The new owners planned to change the name of their car to Dumont but this did not happen because the company was bankrupt later in 1904.


The Santos-Dumont did not carry a radiator emblem but displayed a manufacturer's nameplate, as shown above, on the body of the vehicle. This Santos-Dumont nameplate is rare.

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