
February 09, 2023


Merit Motor Co. (1921-1922)

Cleveland, Ohio

This is a Merit radiator emblem (1921-1922)   mjs
Size: 42mm high 40mm wide    MM: Unknown

The Merit Motor Company was established in 1920 and the Merit was introduced at the Cleveland Automobile Show in early 1921.

The Merit was a six-cylinder automobile initially offered as a two-passenger coupe and a four-passenger touring model and in 1922 a roadster model was also available. But the post First World War depression hit the Merit and it was all over in 1922 after a total production of only 149 cars.


The Merit carried a small metal radiator emblem in the style of a wax seal with the name "Merit", as seen in the attached Merit advertisement:

Merit ad showing radiator emblem (1921) ma

This is the metal Merit radiator emblem shown above at the top of this post. This Merit radiator emblem is very rare.

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