
January 10, 2022


York Automobile Co. (1905)

York Motor Car Co. (1905)

York, Pennsylvania

This is a York nameplate (1905)    kbc
Size: 88mm wide 22mm high

The York Automobile Company was established by Albert P. Broomell, who had previously built a two-cylinder six-wheel automobile and Samuel E. Baily, president of the York Carriage Company. The company was used to promote the York motor car early in 1905.

The interest shown in the York was sufficiently encouraging for James A. Kline to be taken on to improve the York. The York Motor Car Company was incorporated and production of the 18/20 hp four-cylinder York began. However, only pilot models were called York and the name of the production model was soon changed to Pullman (see Pullman). 


The York did not carry an emblem but did display the "York" name on a small maker's nameplate attached to the body of the car, see original example shown above. This is believed to be the only surviving York nameplate and is ultra rare.

A very few accurate copies of the York nameplate were made some years ago based on the original York nameplate, see example shown below:

This is a reproduction York nameplate    mjs

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